Staying Safe & Happy online

At Wombridge Primary school we take e-safety seriously. The school works closely with Telford and Wrekin Council to continue to provide safe and secure access to the internet within school. The wireless network is filtered to prevent access to unsuitable websites, whilst enabling the children to benefit from the very best educational resources possible. We pride ourselves on our vigilance in taking every possible and practical step to minimise the risk within school of inappropriate internet use, in close partnership with Telford and Wrekin Council.

However with new technologies emerging all of the time we recognise that it will not always be possible to eliminate the risk of inappropriate internet use completely through  filtering and restriction. With this in mind we place great importance on educating the children on taking their own e-safety very seriously. We expect the children to actively learn responsible use of the internet through our ongoing work on being safe and happy and ensure that the children have the opportunity to gain an age appropriate understanding of the potential risks as well as the advantages of using modern technology as they progress through the school.

As a result of this, we expect each child to demonstrate safe and responsible use of the internet. You can help support your child at home by being aware of potential risks, and regularly talking to your child about how they use the internet at home. If you require more information you may find the Safe and Happy links helpful, or by all means talk to your child’s teacher.

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